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From: "Karen"
To: s_markworth@yahoo.com
Subject: Documentary
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 12:37:46 +1100

Hi Stefan,

My name is Karen. I am a scientist working for CSIRO in Melbourne. I have a husband and 4 children.

Last night I turned on the TV to listen to your documentary while I was covering school books for my daughter. However, it was so absorbing that I had to leave the books and give it my full attention.

Like most people, I hear the stories on the news, am disappointed by the injustices, but am ambivalent about what can be done. Although I knew that the Palestinians were a displaced people, I had assumed that they were living in other places and were indignant about having been displaced. I didn’t realise that Palestinians outside of Israel were as completely stateless as their former countrymen!

Some time ago I saw another documentary about Jews in Israel who were campaigning on behalf of the Palestinians there. One old lady, who had survived WWII said that she was ashamed to be Jewish – how could the Jewish people allow such injustice to happen after all they had been through themselves? There were many others who shared her sentiments, including two women from the UK who travelled frequently to Israel simply to take part in demonstrations and be an “independent” voice. They also believed that while citizens of other European countries were there to participate in demonstrations that the Israeli soldiers were less likely to do anything that would be reported to the rest of the world.

It was an excellent film, beautifully put together. I agree with the reviews – it is a snapshot of a community and the content alone speaks volumes – no need for any opinion on the situation. I wish you luck with your career and if there is ever a sequel I will make sure I watch it. If you hear any news about the characters in the documentary, maybe you could place a brief synopsis on your website?


Melbourne, Australia

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a film by Stefan Markworth