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From: "Andrew Patterson" <andrewpatterson@optusnet.com.au>
To: s_markworth@yahoo.com
Subject: excellent program...
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 22:33:14 +1100


Congratulations on "Out of Place, Out of Time" which screened on the ABC tonight....

One felt so helpless seeing the plight of these people who exist with such little hope for their future, but trying to take the most of the little of life that they have.

I hadn't realised the extent of Palistinian refugree crisis. I do hope your program raises the awareness of this sad situation.

When one thinks of the money being spent on the Iraq war each week, it just makes you sick when you realise where that money could be directed to improve the lifves of so many people around the world...

Your interviews brought home the reality of the lives of your subjects. I thought the little girl who wanted to be a lawyer was outstanding with maturity beyond her years. I hope that she can realise her dream....she would make an outstanding lawer!


Andrew Patterson

PO Box 64
Balgowlah, NSW 2093
Sydney, Australia

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a film by Stefan Markworth