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From: "Angela"
To: s_markworth@yahoo.com
Subject: A wonderful film
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 22:31:15 +1000

Dear Stefan

I have just finished watching your film on Australian Television, and I loved it. It was sad to see how people of this day and age as still victims of situations that occurred 3 and 4 generations before their own.

However I am very glad that people like yourself are exposing these stories to people who perhaps would otherwise not known this situation still occurred.

I lived in Dubai for 6 years, and had many Jordanian, Palestinian and Lebanese friends, they were very friendly people, with exceptionally kind hearts.

After watching your film, my heart longed to be back with these lovely people in the Middle East and be amongst their culture again.

Do you have any more films that are showing on Australian Television regarding culture and life in the Middle East.

All the Best for your film directing, I hope you can film more in the Middle and East, I think it is very very important for the Western World to be exposed to what is happening to Palestinians, and in general know more about the Eastern World.

Kindest Regards and Best Wishes,

Angela Orchiston

A New Zealander living in Australia who loves the Middle East

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a film by Stefan Markworth