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From: "Anne H"
To: s_markworth@yahoo.com
Subject: Out of Place - Out of Time
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 21:27:11 +1100

Dear Mr Markwork,

Thank you for your docu. for its simplicity sincerity and clarity. It was so sad seeing the young/old people in these Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanan. The west should be ashamed. Israel should be made through peaceful measures through the U.N. to let these people return to their homeland. This type of ethnic cleansing would never by allowed in any other country. Why in Israel?

As a mother I was so sad to see the hopelessness of those children. Where are their rights....human rights. When I saw the 13 year old girl with her dreams of being a lawyer, I cried. My children said it would be good for all school children to see the plight of the Refugees and then they would understand how courageous they really are.

Keep on filming. Thank You.

Anne H.

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a film by Stefan Markworth