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From: "Andrews, Brooke" <brookeandrews_22@hotmail.com>
To: s_markworth@yahoo.com
Subject: good work
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 12:32:41 +1000

Hi Stefan,

I watched Out of Place – Out of Time last night on the ABC and was very deeply touched by what I saw. Thank you for such a factual “human” approach to such a difficult problem. Today’s media focus’s too much on the minorities fighting, and not enough on the majorities serious plight for survival. I wonder if even 5% of our 13 year old girls would be as worldly or mature as the girl studying to be a lawyer.

I sincerely hope there are many other people whom watched the ABC last night and saw more to the Muslim plight then suicide bombers and the debate over women wearing the burqa. I can’t imagine having to let the person you love marry someone else, because you were unable to adequately provide for them financially.

Good work and thankyou for such a thoughtful documentary.


Brooke Andrews

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a film by Stefan Markworth