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From: "Elaine Newby"
To: s_markworth@yahoo.com
Subject: congratulations
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 05:40:53 +1100

Congratulations on making a complex topic accessible to adults and children alike.

You have revealed the plight of those within the 'camps' - the combination of joy and heartache, made clear in your beautiful filming, and interviews that are conducted at a conversational thinking speed rather than rapid fire interrogation for effect.

Here the limits on their lives in Lebanon are made so clear - their inability to participate in the country where they have been forced to make their home ; their inability to return to Palestine. This crowded kilometer where so many lives are lived - yet you show cooperation and celebration.

Their lack of access to education - it is scandalous for it is the key to entry into so many countries ... But you also show the amazing buildings that they have made while 'making the best of it'. Your film should open eyes - it humanises the faceless, and provides us with visions of families rather than 'gunmen'. It also should lead to a greater understanding as to why there could be a fertile field for those wanting change and are willing to utilise violence to secure it. Hopefully it will open doors for Palestinians ....

Thank you for one of the best docos I have seen in a long time.


elaine newby

The restrictions on employment brings unhappy parallels - an apartheid of sorts.... Reminds me of the position of catholics in Reformation England - few realise that catholics could not purchase land until the 1778 and, I dimly recall hearing, a public service job may have been out of the question for even longer - but I am unsure of that However there cold be no parliamentarian until the 1829 legislation allowed this unthinkable possibility) The restriction on areas of employment echoes US negro experience ... it was amazing that your program was followed by one on the unequal access to employment / housing etc of veterans after WWII.

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a film by Stefan Markworth