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From: "Marijonas Vilkelis" <mari@lis.net.au>
To: s_markworth@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 23:32:47 +1000

Hi Stefan.

Congratulations and thank you for making an excellent doco, as well as succeeding in getting it shown on the ABC! Their phones would have been in melt down within minutes of the program beginning, with demands to stop the show. The only reason there might not be a call for blood from the ABC is to suppress any potential highlighting of your program.

It was deeply refreshing and inspiring to be shown the humanity and undying spirit of the Palestinian people instead of the usual terrorist hype.

How utterly embarrassing and disgusting it is to be part of a country which has has so willingly participated with Israel and the US to conceal and perpetuate the pillaging, the plundering and tormenting of Palestine and its people.

Your video should be shown around Australia and around the world. We cannot allow this barbarity to continue any further. We must never allow this obscenity to be forgotten of swept out of sight.

Could I purchase a copy to duplicate and pass around?

Marijonas Vilkelis

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a film by Stefan Markworth